Dry Layer Blood Analysis

Dry layer blood analysis, also known as oxidative stress test (OST), is an examination that helps nutritional analysts determine various risks and concerns in healthcare clients. This testing method has been around for about 70 years, and it can be leveraged to identify indicators of inflammation, allergies, parasite activity, and heavy metal toxins.

Examine Dry Blood Samples

Learn to test dry blood for various indicators of present pathogens, toxins, and other concerns.

Educate and Enlighten

Understand and relay insights gained on organ health and indicators of needed improvement.

Enable Remote Health Help

Use dry blood later tests to help people understand their health needs from afar.

Dry Layer/ OST test outer ring
oxidative stress & Heavy metals
Dry Layer 2nd and 3rd ring
shows white open space indications of week kidneys, gallbladder issues, and liver stress.
Dry Layer center of sample
white space shows hormonal issues, darkcenter indications of bowel toxic
Dry Layer rings 4 & 5
lymph system congested/ dark spot indicates parasites & fungus issues.
Dry Layer Rings 1&2 (center)
Small snow like patterns indicate possible food allergies & food sensitivities.
Dry Layer Rings 1 & 2 (center)
Dark Color represents dirty Colon, Holding on to emotional past.
Dry Layer Rings 5 & 6
White spaces ( inclusions) signs of degenerative issues, toxic kidneys, not exercising enough. Lymph system sludged up.

Become A Dry Blood Analyst

In six layers, you can examine a client’s blood under the microscope to find indications of health concerns like viral and parasite presence, inflammation, hormonal balances, and more. If you want to become a professional nutritional analyst, sign up to use this skill set and help build holistic wellness plans for people in need of a change.

Dry Blood Analyst

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